Restylane Family

Restylane, Restylane Silk, Restylane Lyft, Restylane Refyne and Restylane Defyne


The Restylane Family of Fillers helps “Reveal a younger looking YOU”!

This family of Hyaluronic-acid fillers is designed to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, as well as restoring facial contours. There are specially designed fillers to address each part of the aging face. With minimal downtime and no surgery, products in the Restylane family are used to:

  • Provide natural-looking results by smoothing away facial wrinkles and folds and adding volume to lips (Restylane)
  • Provide subtle lip enhancement and smoothing the lines around them (Restylane Silk)
  • Add lift and volume to the cheeks and facial wrinkles and folds (Restylane Lyft)
  • Provide natural-looking results to laugh lines with flexibility that allows you to maintain your natural expressions (Restylane Refyne & Restylane Defyne)

Non-surgical liquid facelifts, sometimes called “Facial Contouring” is a technique for injecting advance dermal fillers, such as Bellafill, Voluma, Juvederm, or Restylane to lift and contour facial features. Neuromodulators, such as Botox, Dysport and Xeomin, may also be used in conjunction with the dermal fillers to provide added lift and to help the endurance of the dermal fillers. Results from liquid facelift procedures can range from subtle to astonishing. As with any cosmetic medical procedure, results vary from patient to patient.

We will assess the aging changes that you face and help you decide which of these products is right for you! Schedule your consultation today.